For all events and further details, be sure to check out the church calendar.
Evangelism Training with Cru - Friday, February 21st at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. Each month Cru invites local churches to join with them as they are trained in various tools that will help with evangelism. We have been chosen as the first site and Pastor Mike will be teaching on facts of the Resurrection.
Cookie Decorating Fellowship - February 22nd in fellowship hall from 9:00am - noon. Cost is $
Looking for those with graphic design skills - If you have graphic design skills, we'd love to have you use your talent to create some content for our slides and frames in the foyer. Contact Pastor Mike if interested.
Pastor Mike's Prayer Journal - can be found online in the Amazon bookstore or you can find the link in our recommended readings on this website.
Free copies of "Gentle & Lowly" by Dane Ortlund - if you would like a copy, simply grab one from the table in the foyer.