7/9/17 - In the closing verses of Ephesians, Paul exhorts believers several times to "stand", something we must do in the strength of the Lord and His might, as well as with the armor He provides.
7/2/17 - The Apostle Paul describes the behavior for the slave and the master; Pastor Mike applies these truths to our modern day work for employees and employers.
6/25/17 - As husbands and wives have roles and duties in the family, so do children and parents. The Bible also speaks to children who are grown and have older parents. We examine these roles/duties in this study.
6/18/17 - Pastor Mike continues looking at what a healthy marriage looks like focusing on the role and calling of the wife.
6/11/17 - Pastor Mike examines what a healthy marriage looks like first examining the role and duties of a husband as laid out in Scripture.
6/4/17 - In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul exhorts the believers to walk in wisdom and part of walking in wisdom is redeeming the time. Pastor Mike examines how Paul laid out the how of walking in this way.
5/28/17 - We are called to be children of light and walk in the light, and in doing such, expose the things of darkness. In this study, we examine how this applies to us today.
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5/28/17 - We are called to be children of light and walk in the light, and in doing such, expose the things of darkness. In this study, we examine how this applies to us today.
5/21/17 - The Apostle Paul tells us to imitate God and walk in love - what does this practically mean? How do we make sure we aren't doing the things Paul tells us that "those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God"? Pastor Mike examines this passage and these questions.
5/7/17 - The Apostle Paul exhorts believers to take off the old man and put on the new. Pastor Mike examines how we do this in our walks today.
4/30/17 - The Apostle Paul shows us that Jesus has given us spiritual gifts because of His victory and given us spiritual gifts for our victory. What should be the primary purpose of pastor-teachers and other offices? Pastor Mike spends much time looking at this.
4/23/17 - Moving into the second half of Ephesians, Paul begins to tell us what our Christian walk is to be in response to what he had written prior (what we saw in chapters 1-3).
3/26/17 - How does E.T. being a Jedi have anything to do with Scripture? It doesn't but it is a mind blowing thought that is explored, yet it doesn't even compare to the other mind blowing thoughts for which we are to pray that the apostle Paul lays out in our Scripture passage.
3/19/17 - Pastor Mike further expounds on mysteries as the Apostle Paul tells us about the mystery of Gentiles being fellow heirs. He also let's us know that angels learn about the wisdom of God by watching His interaction with the church.
03/12/17 - The Apostle Paul teaches us that we are one nation, one family and one temple. Pastor Mike examines how this applies to us today and the importance of knowing this profound truth about our unity in Christ.
03/05/17 - The Apostle Paul shows us that because of the work of Christ, we are no longer separated from God or from one another.
02/26/17 - Pastor Mike examines what it means to be saved by grace through faith, the three tenses of salvation, and how being God's "poema" is a vital fact to anchor our identies in Christ on.
02/19/17 - The Apostle Paul goes in depth about how we were spiritual dead but God has done an amazing work. Pastor Mike examines how we were all "zombies" until God made us alive. We also find three other truths of our identity in Christ, including what eternity will be like.
02/12/17 - Pastor Mike examines the prayer Paul had for the Ephesians and explains why we should pray this for ourselves, our leaders, our churches, and the Body of Christ as a whole.
02/05/17 - Pastor Mike focuses on the guarantee we have of our salvation
01/29/17 - Pastor Mike takes an in-depth look on redemption and forgiveness, while also explaining the need for blood to be spilled for forgiveness
01/15/17 - Pastor Mike teaches us what it means to have every spiritual blessing
01/08/17 - As we begin our study through the book of Ephesians, Pastor Mike explains why we need to know who we are in Christ as Paul deals with this in chapter 1-3