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2 Kings

6/2/24 - As we study the death of Ahaziah, we come to learn why the patterns of evil happen, what is the hope for the nation of Israel and what is the hope for our world.

6/9/24 - The mantle of ministry is passed from Elijah to Elisha and we learn why mentorship is something we should be involved in.

6/16/23 - There is hope for grace for everyone who cries to Him as we see in our text this morning. After this study, we should be thrilled by His grace yet frightened by His judgements.

6/30/24 - Three kings go off to battle without a plan and only saved when the Word of God gives them direction and ultimately, victory.

7/7/24 - If you feel uncared for or just another face in the crowd, then learn from God's Word His compassion for you.

7/14/24 - We examine the account of the Lord using Elisha to raise a son from the dead learning that God sometimes gives gifts "just because".

7/28/24 - We examine two of the miracles of God through Elisha and lessons learned through them.

8/4/24 - The fact that God loves His enemies is clearly displayed in this account about Naaman and we are challenged to love our enemies as well.

8/11/24 - As we examine two historical events in our text, we find a God who cares about the little things and big things, while knowing we are safe when in God's hands.

8/18/24 - When God speaks, we should listen. When we don't or when we doubt His Word, there can be costly consequences.

8/25/24 - The question when we read Scripture should first be "what does this text reveal about God?" In today's text, we find a God who restores, who reveals and who recompenses. 

9/1/24 - As we take our first look at Jehu, we see the surety of God's Word and the end of Baal worship in Israel.

9/8/24 -'s how your finish. Jehu began well, but did not finish well and we examine how this applies in our Christian walks today.

9/15/24  - How does a historical account in ancient Israel have anything to do with Christmas? And how does it show God keeps His promises? Listen to find out!

9/22/24 - In the seemingly dull routine of history, we see God is in control and One who keeps His promises.

9/29/24 - We find God's grace in the midst of a wicked nation, yet it will be the last "good times" in Israel.

10/13/24 - What happens when a king decides he can do priestly duties as well? To be brief - nothing good. Listen as we examine a good king who made a huge mistake and why pride can be such a dangerous thing in our lives.

10/20/24 - The end of Ahaz's life is the best thing about this chapter and that's a sad reality, yet there is much to glean in it.

10/27/24 - Many lessons to be learned from God's allowing of Assyria to take the Northern Kingdom of Israel into exile.

11/3/24 - After Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel, many different people were settled into the land bringing a smorgasbord of different religions into the land. We discuss this same danger we see in our world today.

11/10/24 - In this chapter we have the roller coaster of emotions as we see amazing reform from a godly leader followed by extreme challenges from Assyria learning that trials still come to those walking with the Lord.

11/17/24 - Having left off with Sennacherib's foolish boasting, Hezekiah prays to the Lord for help - we learn much from his example and his prayer.

11/24/24 - We examine Hezekiah's crying out to the Lord for healing and his stumbling due to pride, which reminds us that humans are complex creatures.

12/1/24 - A horrific king and an amazing display of grace from God that reminds us of the wretchedness God forgives in us.

12/15/24 - The last good days in the kingdom of Judah before the days of exile come.

Pastor Mike's verse-by-verse studies through the books of the New Testament

Pastor Mike's verse-by-verse studies through the books of the Old Testament

Ebenezer Faith Bible Church
630 State Route 93| Berwick, PA 18603 | 570-218-8978 | Email: | ©2015